Cosmos MRO De-rust is a multipurpose spray used in cleaning, releasing, lubricating, degreasing of rusted/corroded parts in factories, engines, machines, cars, bikes, ships, cycles, electric rooms and even in a regular household. It penetrates through rust, loosens nuts, bolts, hinges and stops squeaks too. Apart from removing sticky residue, it cleans, descales, displaces moisture and adds a protective and preventing coating against rust. Hence it can be used in multiple capacities such as auto maintenance, home improvement and industrial maintenance and repair operations.
- Convenient application
- Fast acting
- High efficiency
- Rust removal & lubrication
- Descales & degreases
- Loosen jammed hinges/nuts/bolts
- Removes sticky residue
- Protects & clean
- Available in 100ml, 200ml and 400ml
- Auto maintenance (chains, bikes, cars, ships)
- Home improvement (hinges, windows, drawers)
- Loosens rusted parts
- Descaling and degreasing for industry
Shake the can well. Attach the provided plastic applicator nozzle for precise application on in areas hard to reach. Spray the product onto the substrate surface and allow it 5 minutes to work. Attempt loosening/ releasing/ cleaning the object, if needed, repeat the same process until you get the desired result. We recommend leaving a thin coat of Cosmos MRO De-rust on the surface to protect and prevent it from rusting further.
- Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, eye/face protection.
- Always use in an open space in the open air.
- Store in a cool dry place.
- Dispose the can in regulation to the government laws.